Tag Archives: New Zealand Army (Anzac)

Weekend Finds – July 2022

Many of you know I thrift and flea market several times a week, but especially on weekends, looking for weekend finds.  I recently picked up some items I think you’ll find interesting.

Deco cocktail shaker

All Evercraft or a marriage (owner’s collection)

The first is a skyscraper cocktail shaker purchased at a GoodWill. Made by Evercraft, what makes this an unusual piece is the cap. We have not been able to find this shaker with this cap in any search. What we did find is this shaker with a stepped lid.  Conversely, we found a similar top on a Farberware (Japan) cocktail shaker.

Now frankly, it could be a marriage of two different shakers. But the cap fits perfectly which usually doesn’t occur between different manufacturers.

So, did Farberware sell off some of its designs to Evercraft? Did Evercraft copy Farberware? Is it coincidence that the top happens to fit the shaker perfectly? We truly don’t know! But it is still a stylish addition to our ever-growing collection.

Another weekend find came from the Good-Stuff thrift store. It is one of those, “I think it’s cute. I don’t know anything about it but I’ll take a chance.”

Bovey Anzac Figurine

Bovey Australia Anzac Figurine (owner’s collection)

Deco Bovey

Factory markings (owner’s collection)

What I found is a hard-to-find, if not rare English statue, circa 1945.

The Bovey Pottery Company closed in 1957. Had they not created the “Our Gang” series, they probably would have been lost to history.

Bovey Factory

Bovey Pottery Factory (photo via wemysswarebook.com)

The figurines celebrate the various armed services who fought in WWII. And, some of “Big Names” involved were commemorated as well.

The “Big Names” consist of “The Boss” (Winston Churchill), F. D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin.  And really, who wouldn’t want a Stalin statue in their house?

The figures were designed in collaboration by Gwynneth Holt (1909-95) and architect Fenton Wyness (1903-74) and consisted of 16 figures in all. They were in production from October 1940 through the early 50’s.

Gwynneth Holt (photo via sculptors.org.uk)

In general, they were sold in a soft matte buff or matte white glaze. The figures are also available in a mottled brown glaze (that I find disturbing).

Bovey The Boss

Winston Churchill in dueling glazes (photo via auction-net.co.uk)

The other figures are:

RAF Pilot, Australian Army (Anzac), New Zealand Army (Anzac), Staff Sergeant, Tommy Soldier, Sailor, ARP Warden, Nurse, Land Girl, Sergeant Major, Scottish Soldier, Navy Captain, W.A.F.F Airwoman, and Home Guard.

Polychrome examples do exist. But various sources indicate they may have been prototype models that never went into production as they are unmarked.

Pieces that come up for auction regularly sell above the auction estimate as collectors try to complete their collections. I’m glad I took a chance picking up this little fella!

So, if you like something, pick it up. You just never know what weekend finds you’ll stumble across driving-for-deco.

Happy Hunting!

Chris & Anthony (The Freakin’ ‘tiquen Guys)