Bronze Plaque outside the 47th Street entrance. The image of Edison is a replica of the one used on a medallion created by Julio Kilenyi.
So much of Times Square’s history has either been torn down or is buried under a generic world of themed restaurants and stores that it is a pleasant relief that Hotel Edison remains. It’s lobby, is a place to sit and catch your breath in a wonderful Art Deco setting. In the early 1990’s the lobby was given an Art Deco face lift, while not a restoration of it’s 1931 appearance there are enough surviving original details that can make you feel that you have stepped back into the 1930’s. The six murals that line the lobby are sensitive 1990’s creations that evoke the of WPA murals of the late 1930’s.
- 1930’s Transportation – including the Henry Dreyfuss designed 20th Century Limited, The French Line’s Normandie and a 1939 Buick.
- Building the city.
The Hotel Edison, designed by Herbert J. Krapp, formally opened on January 17, 1931. Thomas Edison, turned on the lights in the 26 story hotel, by pressing a telegraph key in his home in Llewellyn Park, Orange, New Jersey. One of the features of the Edison, that was mentioned in all the advertisements, was that each of the 1,000 rooms featured a radio, a novelty at the time. Over the years, the Edison was used in at least two period films, the south entrance way can be seen in The Godfather and Bullets Over Broadway. Below are some photos of the interior Art Deco details of the lobby.
- Detail of the ceiling over the lounge area of the lobby.
- Vent grill in the lobby.
- Inlays in the lobby floor.