Tag Archives: Murals

UNION TERMINAL – A Cincinnati Art Deco Masterpiece

The fountain  of the plaza of the station.

The fountain in the plaza leading up to the entrance of the station

Last July after spending 10 days in Texas, “freakin’ tiquen'”, as Chris and I wound our way home we spent a couple of days in Ohio. Whenever possible, we always try to do some antiquing in the “Buckeye” state. While in there, one of the Deco places that we wanted to visit was Union Terminal in Cincinnati.



Opened officially on March 31, 1933, train service actually began almost two weeks earlier on the 19th. This station was the culmination of thirty five years of work to consolidate all five of Cincinnati’s train depots and seven railroads under one roof. Alfred Fellheimer, Steward Wagner, Paul Philippe Cert and Roland Wank were the architects of the station.  Cret is usually credited for creating the Moderne design of the building. Construction started in 1928 with the regrading of Mill Creek and was finished five years later at the cost of just over 41 million dollars. Passenger use through the station peaked during The Second World War and then started a steady decline, and seemed to come to an end on October 29, 1972. Union Terminal was then put to other uses after the abandonment of train service; first a shopping mall in 1978, which closed in the early 1980’s, then a Museum Center in 1990. And best of all, Amtrak began to use the station again in 1991.




Entering the Union Terminal rotunda, one is standing in the largest semi dome in the Western Hemisphere, it measures 180 feet high by 106 wide. Two large murals line the walls of the rotunda. The one on the North side depicts American transportation from the time of Native Americans to the present day air transports (circa 1933); the South mural depicts Cincinnati’s growth up to 1933. All the murals in the station were the work of Winold Reiss. The November, 1933 issue of American Architect described the method of Reiss’ work on the murals “Besides the traditional method of covering the entire surface with tesserae, a new method – silhouette mosaic – has lately been developed. The broad areas of the composition are executed in colored cements and only the important spots are picked out in mosaic.”



Winold Reiss' North Mural

Winold Reiss’ North Mural


Winold Reiss' South Mural.

Winold Reiss’ South Mural.

Some more details of the Rotunda interior.

If a passenger needed to kill some time between trains, one of the features of the station was a newsreel theater. For 25 cents, one could sit in air-conditioned comfort and get caught up on what was happening in the world that week. Because Chris and I were there on a weekday the theater was not open. As I was taking photos through the glass doors of the ticket lobby, a very nice security guard, was kind enough to open the lobby door for me and was apologetic that she could not let me into the theater itself.



If you love Art Deco architecture and you are in the Cincinnati area, you owe it to yourself to pay a visit to Union Terminal. And if you are there on a Saturday or Sunday (I wish that we were), free tours of the station are given.

For tour information click this link: http://www.cincymuseum.org/programs/heritage .


Looking toward downtown Cincinnati from the station entrance.

Looking toward downtown Cincinnati from the station entrance.



Anthony & Chris (The Freakin’, Tiquen’ Guys)

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The Hotel Edison – Art Deco refuge in Times Square

Plaque outside the 47th Street entrance.

Bronze Plaque outside the 47th Street entrance. The image of Edison is a replica of the one used on a medallion created by Julio Kilenyi.

So much of Times Square’s history has either been torn down or is buried under a generic world of themed restaurants and stores that it is a pleasant relief that Hotel Edison remains. It’s lobby, is a place to sit and catch your breath in a wonderful Art Deco setting. In the early 1990’s the lobby was given an Art Deco face lift, while not a restoration of it’s 1931 appearance there are enough surviving original details that can make you feel that you have stepped back into the 1930’s. The six murals that line the lobby are sensitive 1990’s creations that evoke the of WPA murals of the late 1930’s.

The Hotel Edison, designed by Herbert J. Krapp, formally opened on January 17, 1931. Thomas Edison, turned on the lights in the 26 story hotel, by pressing a telegraph key in his home in Llewellyn Park, Orange, New Jersey. One of the features of the Edison, that was mentioned in all the advertisements, was that each of the 1,000 rooms featured a radio, a novelty at the time. Over the years, the Edison was used in at least two period films, the south entrance way can be seen in The Godfather and Bullets Over Broadway.  Below are some photos of the interior Art Deco details of the lobby.


Up until the late 1980’s the Edison was a prominent building in the Times Square skyline, now it is completely hidden by all the tall buildings that have been constructed along Broadway. Here are some photos of the exterior details of the hotel.

So the next time you visit Manhattan, and you find yourself in the Times Square area, and you want some relief from the present day, step in the Edison and back into the 1930’s.

 Chris & Anthony

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Fair Park – Dallas, Texas

Esplanade and Exhibit Buildings

Esplanade of State and Exhibit Buildings

American World’s Fairs of the 1930’s bring to mind the great expositions of Chicago in 1933 / 1934, New York and San Francisco in 1939 / 1940. But there were other fairs that are often ignored today, such as the San Diego Fair of 1935 / 1936 and the fairs held in Cleveland and Dallas in 1936 / 1937. While little remains of the Chicago, Cleveland, San Francisco and New York Fairs, the Dallas Fairgrounds are surprisingly intact, or so it seems at first glance. What survives from the Texas Centennial Exposition is a combination of the original and wonderfully recreated and restored structures, fountains and sculptures.


Almost every summer Chris and I hit the road and drive to some part of the United States for antiquing in places we have never been. This past summer we went to Texas and one of the places that I was most interested in seeing was Fair Park. We first became aware of Fair Park and its significance to depression era World’s Fairs and few years ago, so we weren’t going to let the opportunity to visit the site slip by. When we arrived at Fair Park, I was impressed that so many of the 1936 fair buildings were still standing. I purchased the book Fair Park Deco by Jim Parsons and David Bush later that day, which is the definitive history of the Texas Centennial and the restoration of the Art Deco fair grounds.


Tejas Warrior

Tejas Warrior

The grounds were established in 1886 for the Dallas State Fair, on an 80 acre site in East Dallas. Over the years the site expanded to its current size of 277 acres. The site became known as Fair Park in 1904 and a series of buildings were constructed in the then current Beaux Art style. The idea of a centennial celebration had been in the works since the early years of the twentieth century. As the centennial approached the United States was just pulling out of the great depression, and the idea of a large fair was welcomed as a way to stimulate the Texas economy. Dallas won the bid to hold The Texas Centennial Exposition over Houston and San Antonio. Construction and re-modeling of the existing buildings were begun in the fall of 1935, which did not give the builders a lot of time before the opening of the fair in June the following year. Opening on June 6 the fair ran until November 29th. It reopened the following year as the Greater Texas and Pan-American Exposition.


After the fair closed the modifications and changes to the fair grounds and buildings began. One of the first losses were the statues Tenor and Contralto and the concrete speaker towers behind each as well as the 50 foot pylon that stood between them.. Located at the eastern end of the reflecting pond in the Esplanade of States, they were damaged after the exposition closed and were removed sometime around 1938. In 2009, sculpture David Newton re-created the statues using period photographs. The pylon was rebuilt at the same time.

The buildings on the south side of the Esplanade of State were the Hall of Varied Industries, Communication and Electricity, during the run of the fair. The original buildings were destroyed by a fire in 1942 and were replaced by the Automobile Building in 1948, which was in a completely different style than the destroyed structure. In 1986 the building was redesigned to look like the destroyed structure, which restored the Esplanade of State back to its 1936 appearance.

1986 Restored Hall of Varied Industries Building

1986 restored Hall of Varied Industries Building – with the statue of France, designed by Raoul Josset in front

The Pierre Bourdelle murals that were also destroyed when Hall of Varied Industries Building burned down were re-created in 1999 based on the artist’s original drawings and black and white photographs from 1936. The new murals were created the same way as the originals – glass slides of the drawings were projected onto the walls of the buildings and then painted in. The original glass slides were loaned by Bourdelle’s son for the restoration.

One of the earliest of Fair Park’s Beaux Arts buildings was the Coliseum, which was remodeled in 1935 into the streamline moderne Administration Building. On the front facade is mural depicting Texas flora and fauna, designed by Carlo Ciampaglia. Directly in front of the mural is the statue, Spirit of the Centennial, designed by Raoul Josset and sculpted by Jose Martin. The mural and statue were restored in 1998 by Stashka Star. The Administration Building became the Women’s Museum in 2000 and is now closed.

The center piece or theme center of the fair was the State of Texas Building. Designed by Donald Barthelme in 1935 it was and still is a monument to all the people of Texas, past and present. This enormous T shaped building is entered through the semicircular “Niche of Heroes” which is surmounted by the “Tejas Warrior” statue.

Niche of Heroes and the Tejas Warrior.

Niche of Heroes and the Tejas Warrior.

Chris and I had a great time walking around the fair grounds, even though the temperature reached 103. We want to go back and visit at night when the buildings are all lit up, it must be a fantastic sight. Not yet owning a time machine, it really was the closest that we have come to going to a 1930’s world’s fair. If you are fan of the great expositions of the 1930’s, and you have not already visited Fair Park, you should treat yourself and make it a deco destination.


Chris & Anthony (The Freakin’, Tiquen’ Guys)

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Civic Deco


If you are ever in Buffalo, New York, you owe it to yourself to visit the Buffalo City Hall on Niagara Square. This is one of the grandest Art Deco city halls in all of the United States. Tours are given Monday – Saturday and the best part is that they are free. For more information click this link: City Hall Tours.


Ground was broken for Buffalo’s new city hall on September 16, 1929. Designed by John Wade with the assistance of George Dietel of the firm Dietel, Wade and Jones. The corner stone was laid on May 14, 1930 and building was completed in November of 1931. Rising to height of 378 feet it is one of the tallest buildings in Western New York.


The friezes on the outside of the building were created by Albert Stewart, the sculptures inside the lobby were by Rene Paul Chambellan and the six lobby murals were designed by William de Leftwich Dodge.


The ceiling is Guastavino tile in Native American motifs. The elevator lobby is high style Art Deco executed in bronze. The tour ends at the observation deck with wonderful views of downtown Buffalo as well as Lake Erie and southern Ontario, Canada.

 Chris & Anthony


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