One of the events that Chris and I look forward to is meeting with friends to explore the NYC Big Flea. This year’s show seemed to have a more diverse selection of dealers and it was not an exact copy of the biannual Pier Show. As always, we saw a many great Art Deco goodies.
Here are some the booths that we always like to browse at –
Don Selkirk of Past Pleasures Moderne has many great Art Deco items.
- Past Pleasures Moderne
- Past Pleasures Moderne – Art Deco Mantle
- Past Pleasures Moderne
Another fun stop is at Twentieth Century LTD. They sell Deco objects for the kitchen and bedroom; all in excellent shape. If you are in the market for a vintage thermos, bakelite flat-ware or other useful and decorative Deco items, this is a must see booth.
- Twentieth Century LTD
- Twentieth Century LTD
This dealer featured Art Deco British pottery of Clarice Cliff and Susie Cooper –
The one and only purchased I made was from John and Francine Gintoff’s 20th Century Objex. I have always stopped by their booth when I’m at the Big Flea or the Pier Show.
I am very excited and happy to be the new owner of a Roseville pottery lamp. Often pottery companies would convert vases into lamps, this is one of those conversions. This Roseville line is Futura, introduced as the modernistic craze was starting to sweep across the United States in 1928 and like many other things introduced in the late ’20’s, the line did not survive much past the stock market crash. Here is a link to a great website dedicated to art pottery and excellent information about Futura: Art Pottery Blog. I saw this lamp at the Brimfield Antique Show this summer but the price was way beyond my pocketbook. I couldn’t believe the deal offered by 20th Century Objex; it was over $900.00 less than at Brimfield!
- Roseville Futura 391-10 lamp
- First Roseville Futura purchase.
Now the search for the perfect lampshade begins . . .
Chris & Anthony (The Freakin’, Tiquen’ Guys)
Check out these past posts of our visits to the Pier Shows