Goodbye 2020! Every collector knows they’ll come across the good, the bad and the ugly of whatever they collect. And Art Deco is no different. I preface this article stating it is an opinion piece. So, feel free to express yourself in the comments.
As you know from prior articles, we regularly scour thrift stores and flea markets. And through our years of searching and buying we’ve been lucky (Go, antique Karma!) at finding some excellent items. But, then there are – what’s a nice way of putting this? – items of questionable taste.
For fun, here are a few things that (In my opinion) were meant to nice. And could have been nice but suffered from a bad mix of styles or a designer not knowing when to say, “NO, STOP!”

Is it a wardrobe or a Rorschach test! Do you see surprised mushrooms in the drawers and the cowhides in the center panels? In truth, I like about 80% of this German wardrobe. But personally, I can do without the side fans and the extremely expressive book matched veneer.

Again, the side wings kill this for me. And while I like the idea of the extended mirror, it reminds me of a giant lightbulb.
For me, the most reflective of the mess 2020 was, comes from my Italian ancestors. (Sorry Grandma and Grandpa A.)

Is it Arts & Crafts? Art Deco? Or a marriage of the two? If so, it isn’t not a very happy marriage.
Having grown up with it, I freely admit to an ambivalence toward mid-century modern style. Here is are examples where the deco style is so stripped back it borders on Mid-Century Modern. I don’t dislike these but I don’t want them either.

- Gentleman’s chest with mirror (Photo via
- Chest with mirror (photo via
This next bedroom suite isn’t too bad. But is just so heavy looking. Please, take away the boxy toe-stubbing pillars from the footboard and dresser. Or at least make them more streamline and you’d have a winner for me.

I saw this and words failed me. Is this deco with an Asian influence? Was a Samurai soldier caught in the Beauty and the Beast castle when everyone was turned into some inanimate object? I just don’t understand.

And then …
Imagine soft lights and romantic music playing in the background. There’s the light scent of perfume in the air. And the Madonna, baby Jesus and a bunch of cherubs hanging over your bed; invading your party and watching every move you make.

But, wait, there’s more!

And so, there you have it. Good riddance, I mean, goodbye 2020! Hoping 2021 is better for all of us.