That’s right, Driving for Deco is on road again and sharing our weekend finds 2021 with you.
Our first stop, the Englishtown Flea Market in Englishtown, New Jersey. Anthony has fond memories of this place. Many a deco treasure he still enjoys are from here. Years ago, he purchased his first Fortune magazine (January 1935), a reproduction Ladies’ Home Companion Winter poster and RCA Victor 5T Radio.
Arriving early, and anticipating a full morning of shopping, we were disappointed in the selection of merchandise. Rather than eclectic mix of old and new, it was primarily new items – in abundance. No weekend finds here. We did enjoy a pretzel, though.
- Half the stalls were empty
- A quick walk-by is all we needed
Back at the car, a quick search and we were on our way to Englishtown Antiques and Used Furniture.
Located a few minutes down the road, this placed is jam packed. And we do mean jam packed! Extremely narrow aisle and Jenga-like displays, this is not for the faint of heart. I noticed a Farberware covered chrome tray with a crow handle fairly quickly. Marked as an egg holder, Anthony had reservations about the cover. But the proprietor was willing to haggle on the price and it was our only purchase. A quick online search and Anthony’s instinct was correct. The carrier is for cordial glasses. The cover – well, it’s for something else. But we have no idea what.
Spelunking our way through the back we saw some interesting items. Be forewarned, the air is extremely musty. But be brave. And if you’re willing to dive in, you may find the treasure of your dreams.
With barely a dint on the day, we decided to “make the rounds”. Essentially, hit up a few of our favorite thrift store closer to home.

Good Stuff Fairless Hills, Pa (photo via
Stop one, Good Stuff Thrift Store in Fairless Hills, Pa. This place has a nice turnover of merchandise. And it’s rare we don’t find something worth buying. This weekend was no exception. We picked up a nice Nouveau / Arts & Crafts Bisque vase. Unmarked and well made, for $3.00, we took a chance.
Another piece purchased it this Cambridge Caprice console bowl for $6.00. This popular line was produced between 1937 – 1953. It is also available in lovely shade called Moonlight Blue.
And a cup from the Russell Wright American Modern line was a no brainer for $0.50.
But the biggest question mark purchased is this stepped glass bowl for $6.00. Possibly a Lens Bowl designed by Walter Dorwin Teague and produced by Steuben, it is the third of this type we own. Each being a different color and size. We are still researching if they are vintage 1930’s bowls or really well-made contemporary pieces. We’ll keep you posted.
- Purchase at Goodwill earlier this year – smaller version
- Side view, less rings – these are heavy pieces
Thanks for sticking with us through the last year, And we are already planning being on the road again, Driving for Deco and sharing more weekend finds 2021. We hope you’ll join us!